Thursday, March 18, 2010

Physics & Maths. Argh!

I'm going to be an engineer and I'm suppose to like it. I'm trying but the feeling of doing equations again is like ARGH! Looks like I got to be prepared for the boring part of Poly life which is studying Physics and Maths. grr. Becoming an engineer wasn't my plan at all. I did think of being one when I was in Secondary 2 when that time I love Maths. But in Sec 3, A Maths is like WTF is this?

My plan was to work with the media or helping the society because I like to do volunteering work. Then I thought, I'm living in Singapore and working with the media wasn't a good idea. So I picked Psychology which unfortunately, rejected me because I did not meet the criteria which is 13 points and I had 15. Only 2!

Well never mind. This post is just a reminder for me to love my course. I'm still trying though. I'm prepared to face the 'lecture' and hopefully I do well. Hmm, I was thinking to join the guitar club as my CCA.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Have you heard this song?

No. And don't blast it on your phone please. It is just annoying.

If you get what I mean.

People after watching YouTube.

Two random boys were sitting at the void deck. Nothing to do. But John had other ideas.

John: Have you watched 'Zordon is a Racist' on YouTube?
Adam: No.
John: It's funny. Haha.
Adam: (Oh no, no, don't start to tell about the video! No!)
John: Haha! You know right? the Zordon from power rangers?
Adam: (Damn, he's starting to tell! No, DAMN.)
Adam: (*sigh* here goes my 'pretend to laugh')
John: There is a group of people waiting to be Power Rangers.
Adam: Haha.....(End it! please! I beg you!)
John: So Zordon had to pick which Ranger is which Ranger.
Adam: Haha.....(kill me now!)

So John continued to tell what 'Zordon is a Racist' is all about. After John finished, Adam was like, thank god he's done. So one day Adam was surfing the internet and saw 'Zordon is a Racist'. He watched for himself. And god! It was damn funny!

Yeah this is a post about Humans. After they watch some funny videos, they tend to share it with their friends and hope that friend will laugh. No! Don't ever do that! If you want to share a video with a friend, just tell them to search for it at the internet itself! Look at just what happened between Adam and John. That is a perfect example.

HAHA~ Chiowsssss

Monday, March 15, 2010


Look at the post below! It says, 13 March 2010. No! Looks like I'm extending it to Saturday, 27 March 2010. Been busy last week so I had no time to work on the post. I can't promise it will be up by this Saturday, but I'll try definitely =D

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't Lie.

Once, an alcoholic man approaches Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and ask if him if he could be a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad replied the obvious answer which is, yes. Then the man said he is not confident of being a muslim because there are a lot of rules to be followed and he thinks he can't do it. Prophet Muhammad replied, "being a muslim is very easy as there is only one rule that muslims have to apply and that is, don't lie".

As humans, nobody escapes from telling a lie. Although it looks easy with the term 'don't lie' but yet humans still finds it hard to tell the truth. There are always reasons why humans lie. It is because they want to escape punishment. It is also because they want to make somebody feel bad about somebody and that is, Fitnah. Just because we are unhappy with somebody, we create a really embarrassing story about this somebody and spread it. Yes, these are humans.

Sometimes, you lie to a close friend and even sometimes a close friend lie to you. Listen to this, once somebody knows that you're lying, you'll just lost that trust from that somebody. And to gain back that trust is not very easy. Sometimes also you got to admit that you know your friend is lying but you just shut your mouth because you don't want to hurt his feelings.

This is just a post I'll to share. I just wanted to say that lying won't solve anything. Try your best not to lie even though you have to. Have faith in yourself. Have faith bro.


Upcoming, next Saturday, 13 March 2010